Pasadena has a well-educated and experienced workforce.
For Pasadena residents age 25 years and over 79.5% have a high school diploma or higher; 41.3% have a bachelors degree or higher; and 17.8% have a graduate or professional degree. Of those, 13% work in professional, scientific, and technical services; 10% work in educational services; 8% work in the hospitality industry and retail; 7% are employed in construction; 6% work in administrative and support and waste management services; 5% are employed in health care and 5% work in finance and insurance.
Two thirds of working Pasadenans commute to jobs outside the city. Within Pasadena there are estimated to be 110,000 jobs with a median salary of $61, 289.
Patient care at Huntington Hospital
The Greater Pasadena Chamber of Commerce succeeds
because Pasadenas’s business leaders get involved. Join
us and let’s work together to grow our companies and
improve the community we call home.
Explore our The Greater Pasadena Chamber of
Commerce Members Directory and Discover categories
and how our support help our members to grow.
Let's celebrate our business growth.
Join us on Wednesday, July 17th, 2024, at 7:30am for our networking Connection Breakfast.
Grandview Foundation sponsors in July.
We moved the breakfast to VILLA GARDENS at 842 East Villa Street (just west of Lake Avenue) in Pasadena . We will meet on the 5th Floor.
Our Connection Breakfast is always the third Wednesday of the month at 7:30am. Plan to join us regularly