The City Adopted Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) Control Program Required Restaurants to Trap Grease

The City adopted a Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) Control Program (Pasadena Municipal Code 8.14) as an important component of the City's wastewater system maintenance program.  The purpose of this ordinance was to regulate the disposal of Food Service Establishment (FSEs) cooking grease so as to prevent blockages in the city's sewer system caused by the collection of grease.  Additionally, the City is mandated by the State of California to implement a FOG Control Program to prevent Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) that can negatively impact nearby storm drains and lead to reduced water quality.

Per Pasadena Municipal Code 8.14, all FSEs which discharge wastewater into the city's sewer collection and treatment system are required to implement certain requirements, such as installing a grease interceptor or grease trap, to prevent pollution such as grease, fat, oil, silt, sand, sludge and other substances entering into the wastewater system.  These systems must be maintained and self-inspected by the FSE to ensure compliance with regulatory compliance and construction codes.  Additionally, the ordinance authorizes city staff to routinely inspect the FSEs to ensure the FOG Program is being implemented properly; current inspections are not sufficient to properly address the FOG Program.  As such, Public Works is proposing to implement a bi-annual FOG inspection to FSEs supported by an annual fee payable through the facility’s business license renewal.  The cost of the fee is expected to be $125 annually.

The City currently works with a contractor to implement and regulate various municipal compliance inspections, such as FOG. which includes Best Management Practices (BMPs) and outreach materials. A copy of a Fact Sheet prepared to present to Food Service Establishments is attached.

City staff intends to host at minimum of four outreach events across the City to educate the community on the need and importance of a more robust FOG Program.  As a crucial professional business support and advocacy organization, we wanted to provide an introduction to the proposed fee and inspection program that is being considered.  We will reach out with the engagement details, and welcome any feedback on the information provided.

For any additional information or questions regarding the FOG Control Inspection Program or the proposed fee please feel free to reach out either via email or directly to Dawn Petschauer, M.S., Stormwater Program Administrator, Public Works Department 626-744-3929 or