Has your business benefitted from filming? if so, the California Film Commission wants to hear from you

The California Film Commission (CFC) is leading a push to get more tax incentives for the film industry.  This effort will ramp up after the holiday.  Many television shows and features are filmed in states other than California due to adequate tax incentives.  The situation is getting worse with each passing year here in California. The Southern California region in particular has lost a lot of tv shows and features to other States. 

The one thing that seems to be making a difference in garnering support from state legislators for a more adequate tax incentive program is the benefits filming provides to local vendors in their jurisdictions. 

I’ve been asked by the CFC to compile a list of a businesses/institutions who have benefitted from on location filming in Pasadena and the region. Just having the  businesses who are members of the Chamber share some basic information with us will be a huge help!

If any business has benefitted from filming, if they could email me at:  apenn@cityofpasadena.net and provide the following info, this would really accelerate our efforts:


  1. Name of Business:
  2. Type of Business/Service Provided to Film Industry   
    (I.e. Restaurant/Catering; Bridal Shop/Film Location):
  3. Name of Contact:
  4. Their Phone #:
  5. Their Email:
  6. Number of Employees:
  7. Would you be willing to speak to your local legislators or at a hearing on this issue? 


The California Film Commission is  also asking if any of you can be called upon to contact your local legislator or legislative committees to talk about the benefits of filming.  Can I enlist you in this capacity?  We will assist you with this effort.  It would be very much appreciated  if you can participate in this way and it would have a powerful impact.  The Pasadena City Council stated a few years ago that they support   tax incentive programs for the film industry.