The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Small Business Programs Office (SBPO) established a Mentor-Protégé Program to expand the diversity of the Laboratory’s supplier base and to maintain the laboratory’s commitment to enhance and increase small business utilization. The program is designed to provide participants with access to tools, resources and training in business development, infrastructure, technical expertise and procurement performance.


The program seeks to achieve the following:

  1. Expand the diversity of the supplier base
  2. Enhance the technical capability of small businesses to successfully bid and manage subcontracts with the Laboratory and compete in the federal and prime contractor sectors.
  3. Increase dollars awarded to small business through establishing Mentor-Protégé subcontracts on a non-competitive basis; and
  4. Increase dollars awarded to small businesses and meet and exceed socioeconomic goals through the successful training of potential suppliers and through awarding subcontracts to small businesses.

One of the main target areas the SBPO markets the Mentor Protégé program to is the Engineering and Science Directorate as a means of gaining funding or sponsorship of a subcontract.   In addition, the SBPO works to highlight the effectiveness of the Mentor-Protégé Program for establishing partnerships with future suppliers; providing exposure to technological innovations of small businesses, and demonstrating their overall impact on JPL programs and missions.

The SBPO also partners with:

  1. SBIR/STTR Program to include Phase II companies in the program. Participation of Phase II companies will assist JPL’s quest to enhance research and development while mentoring new or emerging small businesses.
  2. JPL Education Office to include Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority Institutions (HBCU/MI) to strategize methods to fund an HBCU/MI Mentor-Protégé agreement.

For additional details on the JPL Mentor Protégé Program, please contact us