Total Internship Management Workshop for employers at UCLA November 17th - use code Chamber15 to save money on registration

Good afternoon,

Over the last couple of weeks, you may have received an email about a program that we are offering on November 17th.  We are partnering with the UCLA Career Center to welcome Dr. Robert Shindell from Intern Bridge, the nation’s leading research & consulting firm to share a newfound approach to internships based on in-depth research and proven strategies. In this highly interactive and participatory workshop, you will learn how to:

  • Effectively implement an impactful internship program;
  • Utilize software to manage your intern projects and programs
  • Identify future hires through a no-strings-attached 12-week interview;
  • Create and maintain a pipeline of highly qualified and educated full-time job candidates;
  • Increase your organization's brand awareness on university and college campuses; and

We know that making a commitment to attend a workshop like this one can be difficult. Questions like “Will it be worthwhile?” or “Is it just going to be another boring presentation?” probably come to your mind.  Here is a testimonial from a recent attendee of this workshop that I thought you might like to read….

"I've personally recruited, trained, and developed hundreds of successful college interns throughout the course of my career and I honestly didn't think I'd get much out of Dr. Shindell's workshop - boy was I wrong!  I found Robert's seminar very helpful and beneficial, particularly with respect to the ever-changing laws and regulations revolving around hiring college interns. It's one thing to recruit a college intern and it's another thing to "properly" on-board them and successfully have them complete your program. Whether your goal in hiring interns is to provide a path for them to potentially join your firm full-time or you just want to ensure you're following the letter of the law, I would highly recommend attending The Total Internship Management Workshop as soon as possible."  - Eric Silverman, Principal & Owner - Silverman Benefits Group

We invite you to join us on November 17th at The UCLA Career Center for this amazing opportunity to maximize your internship and entry talent acquisition programs. Use the code Chamber15 to save 15% off registration costs.

UCLA Total Internship Management Workshop 

November 17, 2017 | 8:30am – 3:30pm | The UCLA Career Center | 501 Westwood Plaza, Strathmore Building, North Entrance

Registration Link -

Please let me know if you have any questions about the workshop and we look forward to seeing you on November 17th!
