We Do NOT Sell Your Contact Information

Dear Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Members and Friends,

We have heard from several of our members expressing concern about an email they received from a gmail.com email account offering a list of our members' contact information for sale.

I want to assure you that we do not sell member contact information. While we do provide mailing information to members that never includes email addresses.

Any and all Pasadena Chamber of Commerce email communications are sent from email accounts on the pasadena-chamber.org address.

Our email blasts and the weekly E-bulletin to the members uses the MailChimp service. Those will use my email address paul@pasadena-chamber.org.

We do provide limited information to contractors who sell ads for our publications. Those are Metromedia who publishes our electronic Pasadena Perspective magazine and Debra Wells who sells advertising in our business directory and new homeowner postcard.

Please do not hesitate to contact me directly with any questions or concerns you may have. You can email me at paul@pasadena-chamber.org.

Thank you,

Paul Little


ps. From time to time you may receive mail from other email addresses that seems to come from me. Those are spam and likely someone trying to infect your computers with a virus. The only address I use for Chamber business is paul@pasadena-chamber.org.